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We hope you'll find this issue valuable as an apprentice:

  • Working from home tips
  • Wellbeing resources
  • Aka Toi Tips
  • Nailing that Assessment

.... to the April issue of our bi-monthly newsletter for all Careerforce apprentices.
We are all in very difficult and unusual times, and understand that your apprenticeship may not be your highest priority at the moment, with health and wellbeing sector staff likely to be under considerable pressure.  Our thoughts and best wishes are certainly with you and your families.

However, if you are in a position to carry on with your training, we encourage you to pick up a discussion with your Apprenticeship Advisor. They are working from home and are available via email, phone, text or video call. Let them know the best way to reach you at the moment and what is going on for you so they can provide you with the support that you need.

In this issue, we share tips on working from home for those who are able to do this. Eric Kneepkens, our Careerforce Apprenticeship Advisor based in Blenheim has been doing this for quite some time and has some practical tips.

We also share some resources to help you maintain your health and wellbeing.

Lastly, if you able to carry on with your training, we have some suggestions on modules that you can start doing from home.

Working from home tips from Eric Kneepkens, Apprenticeship Advisor
Working from home is going to feel rather new and quite strange for a lot of people, especially those who are not regularly working from home.  It took me quite some time to adjust to this concept, especially after previously working alongside colleagues each day and being able to have morning tea, lunch, conversations, etc. during the day together as this was just ‘normal.’  This is currently not ‘normal’ for many people, and won’t be for at least the next 3 weeks. So over the 4 ½ years that I have been working remotely, here are a few tips that I have learnt and that support me with working from home:
  • Start each work day as normal (shower, get dressed, have breakfast, etc.) but just wear comfortable clothes as you won’t be going out anywhere to see anyone.
  • Have your work day planned but don’t put pressure on yourself to complete everything in one day. It’s okay to find yourself with time on your hands.
  • Focus on ‘quality production’ as opposed to 'quantity production' and trying to get as much done as possible.
  • Move away from your computer/work area when having a break for coffee and lunch. Don’t eat and work at the same time. Take time to have a proper break.
  • If possible, plan to finish each day as you normally would as if you were going to work.
  • Make time for at least a 30-minute exercise. Go for a walk or run or check out the home-based exercises I share below.
  • Avoid the temptation of snacking during the day just because food is in the house.
  • Call someone each day that you normally would talk to at work. See how their day is going.
  • Make sure that your family are aware you are still working and that you have the same work commitments and responsibilities.

Home-based exercise programme (3 days)
Home-based exercise programme (6 weeks)

Wellbeing resources
We strongly encourage you to look after your own health and wellbeing and the wellbeing of your whānau and community. We can get through this if we work together.

We have found some resources that you may want to look at, use and share with your community.

Mental Health Foundation: Looking after mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19
They have tips, FAQs and resources based on the Five Ways to Wellbeing Te Whare Tapa Whā model.

Blue Print for Learning: Working well from home
They have developed a resource based on the Te Whare Tapa Whā model to create a framework for working well from home.

He waka eke noa
One of the consistent messages that has come about since this Covid-19 pandemic hit our shores is that we all, each of us, have a part to play. From our essential services keeping us informed, keeping us healthy, keeping us safe, to the rest of us, staying home and keeping isolated.

One of the Māori phrases that has come up in this time is “he waka eke noa”. This is interpreted as ‘we are all in this together’. Regardless of the role we play, we are all in this together playing our part.

The imagery of the waka is apt given that on a waka, everyone has to play their part or the waka cannot stay its course. The rowers (kaihoe) on each side not only provide the propulsion for the waka but also help the steerer (kaiwhakaue) in keeping the waka on its course.

In this case, our course is to get through the challenge of COVID-19. We all have important roles to play, that will ensure that our waka stays on course.
Aka Toi Tips

The eLearning Operations Team at Careerforce regularly update the HELP pages in Aka Toi so you can get support and guidance at the time you need it most.

TIP: Check out the Recently added section in the HELP page to stay well informed!

TIP: Read the quick reference guides on screen instead of paper. They’re always current and saves trees!

TIP: Try searching and filtering the FAQs. We’re learning what you need and sharing the answers!

Nailing that Assessment
Nailing that Assessment is a regular section in our e-newsletters designed to help you do just that, nail that assessment.

It is perfectly fine for your apprenticeship to take a back seat during these challenging times. If you think however that you have time and would be happy for a distraction, here are some modules you could be getting on with that don’t require any practical assessments.
Exceed, It's about Aotearoa, Be your own friend, It's about people

Get in touch with your Apprenticeship Advisor if you have completed these modules and need some guidance on which ones to focus on next.

Be part of the Apprenticeship Community
Being connected has never been more important. Join your Careerforce Apprenticeship community on Facebook. Introduce yourself, start a discussion, ask a question, and share some aroha.

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